LIFE Matrix participates in a networking session to find synergies in the management of water resources
The scarcity of water resources faced by many regions in the south of Europe makes it essential to find sustainable solutions. Many European projects are currently developing initiatives based on Managed Aquifer Recharge (MAR) and obtaining reclaimed water to deal with this situation.
In this context, our project manager Sara Espinosa has recently participated in a networking session with representatives of three other European projects to find synergies.
This meeting has served to learn more about PRIMA AGREEMAR, LIFE REMAR, LIFE RENATURWAT and LIFE MATRIX. In addition, it was possible to discuss the adversities of these initiatives and how to solve them.
These four projects have something in common, they all pursue the same goal, the sustainable management of water resources. The AGREEMAR project, from the PRIMA programme, proposes an integrated and coordinated methodology to assess and map the viability of Managed Aquifer Recharge (MAR) in the Mediterranean basin and safeguard its success through the implementation of an adaptive governance framework.

LIFE REMAR also focuses on MAR. In this case, in the Baix Camp region in southern Catalonia (Spain). In addition, this initiative seeks to improve the water recharged quality by ensuring that dangerous contaminants such as micropollutants, antibiotic resistance genes and pathogens are left behind.
For its part, LIFE RENATURNAT intends to demonstrate that it is possible to obtain reclaimed water from WWTP effluents through nature based solutions to produce high-quality water suitable for environmental uses, such as restoration and conservation of wetlands.
The solutions of these projects have a lot in common with the objective pursued by LIFE Matrix: to demonstrate the technical, environmental and health feasibility of a Managed Aquifer Recharge (MAR) system using reclaimed water combining nature based solutions and a risk management tool.
These last three projects are co-funded by the European Commission’s LIFE programme.

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