
Managed Aquifer Recharge to combat water stress

From the idea to the final product

During the lifetime of the Matrix project, a broad range of significant outputs and quantified achievements will be delivered in search of the most effective and efficient way to reach the main goal: to demonstrate the technical, environmental and health feasibility of a Managed Aquifer Recharge (MAR) system using reclaimed water to reduce water stress and overexploitation of aquifers.

Main outputs and achievements

Demonstrate the suitability of Managed Aquifer Recharge (MAR) as a key of water reuse accelerator promoting a more sustainable water resource management, which will enable:


of the treated water is reused instead of being discharge into the sea at the demo site. Estimated impact (EI)= from 500,000 to 550,000 m3/year


increase of groundwater recharge at the demo aquifer. EI = from 335,000 to 385,000 m3/year.


reduction of water exploitation index (WEI+) at the demo aquifer. EI= from 1.13 to 1.

Improve public acceptance and perception of reclaimed water

and to disseminate the benefits of the project’s solution and promote its application

Demonstrate an innovative treatment technology

based on a constructed wetland and an infiltration pond with a reactive organic layer to adjust and improve reclaimed water quality as a function of case study where the recharge should be done.

Develop guidelines

considering the tools/technology tested in the project, to boost aquifer recharge in Europe and complement national and European regulation guaranteeing the replication of the LIFE MATRIX solution in other European sites

Demonstrate a new Risk Management DSS

to operate the water reuse and the recharge in a more efficient way

Characterize the technical and economic performance

of the demonstrated solution and develop a business plan for its commercialization

Demonstration of the efficiency of a Nature Based Solution

based on a constructed wetland with halophyte plants and an infiltration pond with a reactive organic layer to improve the reclaimed water quality